Anglicare is a trusted NDIS provider. Improve your mental health and wellbeing with the help of an experienced team.
You probably know that good mental health is pretty important. Without it, your wellbeing is affected and leading a full and functioning life is hard. During difficult seasons, your mental health can be fragile. There are so many things that can destabilise your wellbeing – a pandemic, a drought, bushfires, floods, financial distress, health concerns, relationship problems, the loss of employment, or bad news of any kind.
Chances are, you’ve experienced more than one of these difficulties in the last few years. So, you’ll know the anxiety and stress that comes with coping with life events beyond your own control. But what happens when these anxieties and stresses become so severe that you can no longer cope? What happens when the cost is your quality of life?
Counselling is a good way to receive the psycho-social support you need. The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) allows people with severe, persistent, and debilitating mental health challenges to receive tailored and ongoing therapeutic supports like counselling. So, if you have an NDIS plan, here are six good reasons to make counselling a part of your NDIS plan.
It’s not always easy to let your guard down and be vulnerable. Especially when your emotions are involved. Counselling provides you with the privacy you need to talk things over with a trained professional. Your counsellor will work with you to find positive solutions to the challenges you’re facing. Having a safe space can help you to speak honestly and just feel free to be yourself!
Have you heard that saying, “He couldn’t see the forest for the trees?” When you’re living through a challenge that life has thrown your way, it’s hard to find perspective. Talking to a trained counsellor will help you to look at your situation with fresh eyes. This can enable you to gain a better understanding of what’s happening and how it may be affecting your life. All of which will put you in a better position to meet those challenges.
Maybe you’re feeling anxious or depressed, but you don’t really know why? A trained counsellor can help you identify your triggers and pressure points. The things that are negatively affecting your mental health. This is an important step. Because you can’t begin your journey towards mental health without first spotting the obstacles that might stop you reaching your goal.
Whether you find it difficult to make friends, or frequently feel stress overwhelming you, a trained counsellor might be able to help. No matter what you’re facing, your counsellor can teach you a variety of skills to help you overcome life’s challenges. So, not only will you learn new things, but you’ll also find yourself growing more resilient in the process!
Every person is different. What works for someone else may not work for you. A trained counsellor can help you explore strategies to use in managing challenging situations such as stress, anxiety or dealing with a toxic relationship. But more importantly, they can also help you identify which strategy is the one that’s right for you.
It helps to have someone on your team. Someone to bounce ideas off. Someone cheering you on. Someone to keep you accountable. A trained counsellor does all of these things. Helping you not only set goals, but also to reach them!
Remember, it’s important to protect your mental health. And as a trusted NDIS provider, Anglicare can help. If you’d like to find out more about making counselling a part of your NDIS plan, get in touch with our expert team today!