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Mental Health Resource Hub

Welcome to the Mental Health Resource Hub, an initiative of the Sydney Anglican Diocese, The Mental Health & Pastoral Care Institute, and Anglicare Sydney.  Equipping you to navigate mental health and wellbeing challenges within your church community. 

Sydney Anglicans Logo Mental Health Institute Logo Anglicare Logo

This page contains information and resources to assist churches as they support people experiencing mental health and emotional wellbeing challenges. The Hub contains a range of government funded and other community resources, as well as resources with a Christian emphasis – marked with a 🕊️ symbol.  

It is our prayer that this space will resource you to serve your congregation with wisdom, compassion and servant hearted love by promoting mental health and wellbeing.

Speaking with someone can be a crucial step in the healing process when a person is experiencing mental ill-health and emotional wellbeing challenges. It can help the person feel heard, supported, and empowered to take steps towards better mental well-being.

Talking to someone

Online Resources


Further reading

Resources for Churches

Anglicare Services

Suicide Prevention for Seniors Program
Suicide Prevention for Seniors Program

If you work with older people and would like to learn how to support someone experiencing thoughts of suicide, this FREE program can provide the skills you need.

Woman looking through the window at sunset. She is alone and looks a little ad or depressed.
Emotional Wellbeing Space

FREE counselling service delivered either via phone, video, or face to face. To be eligible you need to be over 18 and live, study or work in Sydney’s northern suburbs.


Counselling services delivered via phone, video, or face to face. Most services require you to contribute towards the cost. If you have been funded for Improved Daily Living under your NDIS plan, then you may be able to use your funding for counselling at Anglicare. Some services are provided free of charge, depending on funding. 

Are you looking for a Christian Minister?

If you are not currently attending a church and would like to talk to a Christian minister, the find a church near you link may assist you to locate a church in your area.

Anglicare acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the original and ongoing custodians of the lands and waters on which we live and work.

Inspired by the gospel of reconciliation in Jesus Christ, Anglicare's vision for reconciliation is a nation in which Australia's First Peoples are restored in dignity, respect, empowerment and opportunity.